Excerpt from "The Who and the making of Tommy" by Nigel Cawthorne. Bought this book in a sale yesterday ...... and on page 47, there was quiet a revelation!!!
But tensions were growing in the Band. With the law suit hanging over themTownsend was ready for the whole thing to fall down upon him. DAltery even quit briefly. Moon, Entwistle and Townsend solidered on although Moon was approached by the Animals and Entwistle by the Moody Blues.
"I saw myself writing film scores" recalls Townsend later, "while Keith and John saw themselves forming a new band called Led Zeppelin".
Indeed, they has both threatened to walk out when Townsend hit Moon with a guitar. When things were going badly in 1968, Entwistle and Moon had discussed forming " a super group that would go down like a lead zeppelin (slang for lead balloon) It was a conversation in the salvation Club in New York on April 5th 1968, that Led Zeppelin were born, albeit without Entwistle and Moon.
This doesn't match with the version in Led Zeppelin - The story. I cant exactly remember the reason for calling the band Led Zeppelin in that book, but this is quite something! Page Plant Moon and Entwistle!!! As much as I love Moon, no one stands up to Bonzo ... and no one ever will, but it is fun to try and imagine it!

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