Will there be or won't there be?
Many of you know that for many many years, I have been a big follower of Genesis (the band, not the "Book Of .... "). Over the past year or so there have been a lot of rumours about the possible reunion of Genesis either with the 5 of them, or the 4 of them or just the 3 of them ...... well, a very sensible German has set up a site containing the best info I have been able to find. So .... to share with you all, cos I have sort of been keeping it to myself recently

Personally, I would prefer them to leave it. Collins is now partially deaf in his left ear, (some say this might be an advantage) Banks' last effort was interesting, but lacked drive, Rutherford's Mechanics seem to have settled for dismal, middle of the road stuff. Gabriel and Hackett seem to be the only sensible ones by refusing (so far) to join in.
Oh well, we will see anyway, I will probably go and see them where ever they will be, but after the last time I saw them (Ahoy with Wilson singing) I wasn't impressed.
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