Horses, Golf & New Songs
Well, that was my weekend. We both went for a lovely walk with Sally, Jake and Daniel through some woods that they are trying to burn down, clear out to make way for housing. There was a big get together of people who live nearby to sign a petition to stop this from happening. We signed it. However, due to the land already sold off for housing in 1971 AND the lawyers finding no way out of it, it looks like the walks will be soon stopped and replaced by concrete, cars and bricks. Shame really as in the summer it is a beautiful to walk.

Jake and Daniel had a turn on the horse which they seem to enjoy very much.

While on the walk, I was listening to The Ryder Cup. I could have gone to a pub and watched it, but no, I spent the afternoon walking the children. Now, I hear you cry, where was Daddy? Well, Daddy, or Richard as he is also known as, was ..... at the K club ..... I not jealous .... nor an I UPSET IN ANY WAY .... there ... got that off my chest.
Made a list of lots of new songs to tackle this month. I usually pick 5 new songs a month, but I was been lazy month and simply stole 5 of Ali's ..... so .....
Sledgehammer - Petrer Gabriel
All My Loving - The Beatles
So Lonely - The Police
The Boxer/Sound Of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel
Don't Look Back In Anger - Oasis (I really really hate this song, but I get requests for it all the time. ... so)
For those in and around Brussles this weekend, I will be playing at "Churchills" Bar, just off Munt Plein. starting 21.00 - 00.00. You might even get to hear a couple of the above!!!
Oh ... one other thing ... would like to recommend the new (well relatively new) Battlestar Galatica series 1 & 2 Second series outstrips the first but it is very, very good. Nioce twists on the original series, great characters (except the stupid Doctor) and an excellent script/dialogue. Available for download at you nearest pirate download site!!!
Hello Daddy speaking - can I simply recommend the Mavin babysitting service - rumour has it that his next song list will include the Wheels on the Bus -why not a jazzed up version. To anyone interested, the K club was magnificently wet but great atmosphere and to see those over pampered yanks stuffed again almost made you want to burst out with the Ode to Joy (another tip for the Mavin top 10). Question - why does Guinness in Ireland taste 10 times better than Brussels? Answers on a beermat.
Richard aka Big Daddy
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