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Monday, October 09, 2006

One Week Later .......

Yes, it is one week later, and a big thank you to all those who posted a comment and also to those who couldn't work it out and sent me an E mail instead.

Things here are all fine and dandy, Lou hasn't been sick for almost a week now (previous record was 56 hours during the last 7 weeks)

Lots of things have happened here this week, A new baby carrying device was purchased, aka a new car. e bought the Citroen Picasso ..... very nice. I only have 2 things that are a tad add and one huge issue ...... It has no rev counter which although one should use ears, it is nice to watch! There is an odd tick tick ticking sound inside the ventilation system ..... only lasts for about 4 or 5 seconds, then goes ..... these 2 things I can live with. However, I simply cannot understand how Citroen can allow a car out of the factory with such an appaulling sounding speaker system. It is truely awful! I have already changed the rear speakers so that some resemblance of bass can be heard, the front door bins will be changed soon. The fronty placed tweaters are fine and acceptable..... Hopefully all will be sorted by next week as I will be driving up North.

Louises' parents arrived on Monday, and were immediatly taken to Casualty as Marian had fallen over on the way to the airport in Carcassone. A broken right ankle and tendon damage in the left ankle meant most of the week was spent trundling her along the flat corridors on a wheelly stool and firemans lifts up and down stairs. ... I'm not even going to mention the showers!

Susie and Gianni (or Jar Knee as he is know) also visited this week for a few days which was great to see them again.
It was Giannis first visit to Brussels ..... so .... well .... we had to sample some of the many beers ...... we had about 8 different ones in one night ..... so not a bad start. But all told, we 6 had a lot of fun and laughter and daftness.

This week, should be quieter, Brugge tomorrow, Churchills on Friday and then off to the NE to see Dad. Playing with Ali in the Tap and Spile next Monday so if anyone wants to pop along .... they do do real ale!


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