
This Blog is no longer in use. Please go to There will be a .com address soon. Thanks for commenting here, hopefully we'll see you at the other place. cheers Andrew

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Dont forget!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Sniff, gurgle, pfffft, a-tishoo !!!

Guy af a kold .... mee no likey. my dose runs, my i's weep and I sneeze a lot.

Boo hoo!

But, ear r sum pick tures ov my guard in wot Daddy and Mummy hav dun. Eye lick it a lot! tis knot fin hished yet but wiv sum new plants it wil bee coool!

Alzo, ear iz wot Auntie Susies new house lookin' like now .... cool or wot? stil a bit draft tee four me, but wen I go it wil bee more done.

Will blog when better.

Been Jammin'

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Quack uPdATe

Dadi STiLL aS a snore hed und Kant trype; Sew I is dOIng it 2 day

Ear IS suM fo Toes ov ME

C'mon ENgland!

tH1s 1s me wiv friends and Anti Susie At tHe play Gr0up

Th1s me w1v my new Kar

This 1s me telling Daddi tHat me LEgs R 2 ShOrrT


