My New Friend
Hi people! Its really about time I put my fingers to the black noisey thing again and tell you all how I am getting on ... I have a new top tooth! Its on the left (my left, your right). Dont yet know what to do with it though, I'm sure I'll find out. Apart from that I'm getting on fine! Daddy and I have lots of fun during the day, going to the shops, playing in the garden and of course bouncing!!!!
I am also going to a new place called "Mummies and Toddlers" .... Daddy likes going here too. I'll let you all guess why. But for me its great and have met some really nice friends. They are roughly the same size as me, although some can crawl really fast and also some can run around. I want to do this too, but I cant as my right leg gets stuck under my bottom. Daddy helps by pushing me over a bit, but that I fall over and cry .... I then get sympathy .... oh yes .. a winner!
Here is a picture of my new friend Kian.

Auntie Susie is coming to stay for a few days ... that'll be great. Its about time my Italian improved a bit. Benny (remember Benny) helped me at Christmas, but as you can see below, ... I'm still not 100% sure about him ..... very loud! Mami and Papi are still away on their World Tour. I do miss them a lot and looking forward to Mami staying with me too!

Mummy is still enjoying her job and Daddy is getting some more playing. although this morning he didnt look happy to see me .... I think it might have something to do with getting in at 03.25 this morning.
Well, I must be off for sleeps now, as this typing really tires me out, and I need the rest before my guitar practise.

Hope you enjoy the pictures?
Lots of Love
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