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Monday, June 26, 2006

My memories going ..... I think ..... I cant remember

There was a time during my musical career where I would never forgot a single screw, washer, cymbal felt, stick etc for a gig, concert or performance. I always prided myself on having everything, for every occasion, always. OK, there was once where I left my entire bag of drum stands in Aberdeen ......... and played in Doncaster the following night without them ....... AND there was one time I left my stick bag in the back of a car and had to use woodern coat hangers ...... Oh yes .... and I left my mouthpiece in my parents car when auditioning for Bretton Hall ...... but apart from that, a very good history.

Recently however, call it old age or that fact that I am using a different entertainment tool, I have been forgettng a lot of things. In Brugge a couple of months ago, I had no plectrums. I had to cut the plastic from inside the guitar case and literally carve our the plectrum shape. Last week at the Tap & Spile I had left my Acoustic De Capo and so had to use my fender de capo ...... with the assistance of a metal hammer to straighten it. Last week ..... I forgot my strap .......

Nick Yule .... Lawyer, Scottish and almost a Daddy ... very kindly reply to my text stating ...... "At least you dont forget the chords ........... that often". Thanks Nick, you sent me into a frenzied panic and dropped "Why Does it always Rain On Me" as a precaution. For those who know .... this is the one song I usually screw up in the chord department ..... oh and "Layla".

So the solution is to go back to the old fashioned way of check lists. I thought I had grown out of checklists, but no .... looks like the memory is starting to go ... and I am only 37.

A request for a coupl of photos again so ..... here you go. Thanks to Nick Worrall for these outstanding takes!


At 4:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the photo's, especially of the gentleman who was obviously shopping at Durham cricket club and dragged into the photo's !

What about the time you moved from Holland to Chester only to find you had left your keyboard "overseas" ??

At 6:00 pm, Blogger ST-L said...

few more pics here


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