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Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Not a reference to fruit toppings on toast but to the very interesting and successful Bizon Jam last night .... errrr ... at the Bizon.

No pictures to show, although I do have a blurred photo of the blister on my bottom of my 4th finger as evidence of mad tambourine playing. Thanks to all those who turned up last night, Thanks to ....

Tony Futheringham for his always crowd pleasing songs although I most enjoyed the look of horror on his face when I asked him to improvise a blues
Nick Yule for the excellent solo in Its Probably Me ....... and his guitar playing
Eric Moens for playing all songs all night in Eb, Ab, Db, Bb, ..... hope you still love me? We must get that slide solo in Piece of Mind worked on!!
Oliver Willardson for his incredible bouncing bomb impression as well as the last song of you 3 song set ...... it's better faster .... trust me
Ciaran Mc Manus for playing percussion for only the second time in his life in front of an audience ..... the first time sober
Dexter ..... FINALLY .... he's BACK!!!! Along the watchtower was cool man!
Nick Worrall for thinking about us
Nico Corten for bringing back a few good memories
Philip and Arne for bein the busiest and the best barmen in Brussels
Jon Eldridge for being there AGAIN
The 2 Policeman for being true sports!
Rose O Donovan for always Crystal clear accapella singing .... but you lose a point for not joining in on "With A Little Help"
Darius ..... for being Darius
Sarah ...... for being better looking than her Dad!

Thanks to the wonderful Bizon audience who are always easy to please!


At 8:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to come over there some time...


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