Amazing Weather
Its the time of year I really like. Hot weather and the start of the Belgium homidays. Around the weekend of July 1st, it seems as though the entire population of Belgium head South to their little places in France and Spain, leaving the rest of us to sit, breathe in and enjoy the space left in this small country. Today will be the hottest of the year with forecasts of 36° in the centre .....

It is a bizarre site seeing the ring road, completely blocked for around 4 hours on Saturday .... nothing moved. We went to Ikea, shopped, went home, assembled, returned to pick up a missing part, drove back home .... and I swear I saw the same van parked on top of the bridge on the Ring durin ghtis 4 hour period. Madness.
Due to Louises enforced Gardening Leave, she is whilling the hours doing all the jobs that we have been meaning to do, All our papers have been sitting in 2 red boxes since we moved to Brusssels. Now they sitt very proudly and organised in 2 beautifully put togther filing cabinets. I hope to keep Louise busy during this time ... I would hate to return home and find all my CDs in order of colour rather than Alphabetical followed by order of release.

Louise piles off to France for a week to Souliac, I have Brugge, Le Chat Pitre and Bizon Gigs during her absence so a busy week once again ahead.
Gardening leave beats workign at that Monty Python coroporation she was in. Finally has time to take care of most important things than gloves.
The Grievous Angels playing live with only 3 guitars? Are you mental? Steve alone will have 3 plus bass and banjo.
But seriously, thanks for the nice comments. In return I wont mention the fact that The Grievous Angels are also playing on thursday night at Grand Prix, show starts 9pm, free bar snacks* and great view of King Leopold's massive erection**.
Serious music fans: here's a solution.
Why not skip out of Le Chat Pitre when Roman comes on, get a taxi to Grand Prix, watch the 'Angels play a killer set, then get back in time to see Andrew getting back on stage. Perfect sense.
See you all tonight at Le Chat Pitre, Rue Americaine, next to the Audi garage at 9pm. Actually, you do genuinely get free bar snacks there. What more could you ask for?
The Grievous Angels
* terms and conditions apply. Oops, forgot to mention that the Stella is €4.
** constructed from the profits of the slave trade-The Grievous Angels condone neither the slave trade, nor the public display of inappropriate erections.
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