Louise has left me .....
Boo hoo! ....... for 6 days while she spends some time down south in the even more sunny South of France. I am now left alone with a long list of tasks and not enough time to do them. Fortunately, one of the greatest jobs in the World is on this list ..... no, not ironing for those who know me ..... window washing! Something very therapeutic about window washing, making sure there is no lines, nice clean sills, the glass sparkingly in the sunshine .... hmmm. Walkman on, sun shining (but not too much ... never clean windows when it is very sunny).....
Cough cough ... anyway, I will be busy this week with lots of things, Tonight I am setting up and mixing "The Grevious Angels" and trio of my aquaintance consisting of 3 guitars, harmonica and vocals. Very cleverly put together as normally this would bore me rigid .... I mean 3 guitars!!!! But no, they are very pleasing to the ears and a fun bunch of people to be with. Thursday is a gig at "Le Chat Pitre" Feel free to think what the translation could be. I am playing with the great and wonderful and highly talented "Roman" .... who is known by no other name. Really looking forward to this as we have reheared .... down the phone .... for those who know me, I am not someone who turns up and plays along, as I like the organised, rehearsed and structured sort of set up .... so maybe tomorrow night I shall fail miserably! We will see.

Friday - I'm free although my gear will be at Fat Boys ..... Saturday is Celtic Ireland, Sunday is the World Cup Final ...... Monday is Bizon ..... Tuesday, Louise returns YEAH!
It is good that Italy are in the Final, this means I have someone to support on Sunday. I hope to be at Fat Boys with Giovanni ... he of "1000 pictures" fame.
Well, must work ... mustn't I?
The Grievous Angels playing live with only 3 guitars? Are you mental? Steve alone will have 3 plus bass and banjo.
But seriously, thanks for the nice comments. In return I wont mention the fact that The Grievous Angels are also playing on thursday night at Grand Prix, show starts 9pm, free bar snacks* and great view of King Leopold's massive erection**.
Serious music fans: here's a solution.
Why not skip out of Le Chat Pitre when Roman comes on, get a taxi to Grand Prix, watch the 'Angels play a killer set, then get back in time to see Andrew getting back on stage. Perfect sense.
See you all tonight at Le Chat Pitre, Rue Americaine, next to the Audi garage at 9pm. Actually, you do genuinely get free bar snacks there. What more could you ask for?
The Grievous Angels
* terms and conditions apply. Oops, forgot to mention that the Stella is €4.
** constructed from the profits of the slave trade-The Grievous Angels condone neither the slave trade, nor the public display of inappropriate erections.
Is it "The Cats Bollocks" ?
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