A New Arrival!

Its the new Genesis CD/SACD/DVD Box set from 1976 - 1982
It is amazing to hear the old albums remastered and remixed. A whole new listening experience! I recommend them to any Genesis fan.
The songs have been given a real breath of fresh air. The small idiosyncrasies in the music have been pushed forward just that little bit more. The cabasa in the Keys solo in "Lurker", the backing harmonies in a lot of the songs are much more evident, the whole thing has been given width. Much more colour in the darkness that is Wind & Wurthering. The guitar riffs in "No Reply" and "Sarah Jane" really gives a little inside to his riff like stuff in the next few albums. Trick is probably the best remix of all of them without a doubt. The bonus disc of the B sIdes is also great to here, although they are mostly all evident on Archive 2, they are loveingly touched up here. Booklets excellent ... some new insight in the interviews (I have only seen the "Duke" one so far).
Looking forward to the next release already ... which, of course, will be Kippa
That's the second time....
If you do it again I promise to ignore you when you cry wolf.
Indeed.. it seems that all of this Genesis and other events will shadow the birth... anyway, my bet is still for today...come on baby, bring it on.. get out of there...
That's all AFTER the Peter Gabriel era :o(
Anyway, D-3? Woooow!
PG stuff not available until October .. but I agree, the best period!
No more crying wolf .. promise ...
Giovanni, you owe me 5 pints!
Indeed.. I wll buy 5 pints.. come on baby.. out you come, if you don't come out you will have to listen to all the GENESIS AFTER Peter Gabriel (which is their best period)...
urgh, does anybody have any news? we're waaaaaaaay past april 9th... well, not "that" much, but still.
(noooooooooooooo mister giovanni, the duke could never top the carpet crawler!)
Nothing yet folks .... had monitoring on Thursday ..... he seems very happy staying where he is. If no arrival by 22nd April, then Louise will be induced.
... And Then There Were Three!
Sorry ... the above comments should read S/he .....
He finally made it. Benjamin has finally moved out into the real world. Congratulations folks!!!! The suspense was unbearable.
Hurray hurray congratulations mom and dad! We look forward to seeing the first pictures!
Lots of love,
Tom, Marije, Daniel and Sophie
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