Chapter Four - Out and about

Hello everyone ... sorry for not updating Daddy's blog recenly, but seeing as I am now 3 weeks old, I have begun that nice phase of wanting to eat and eat and burp and poop and eat and eat and vomit and poop and eat etc etc etc .... Its great! Its like being an alcoholic but knowing you dont have to worry about the addiction!
However, I digress. Lots of vistors this week which was nice .... one guy who came had very wierd hair and look like he had been in the sun too much. apparentlyl he is called "Bye", everyone must know him as a lot of people go and see him when they leave my house. ..... A very nice person called 'Jo' came over this weekend to help Mummy and Daddy to rest. She has a drinks cabinet as well, but it was locked.

Went for a couple of "walks" in my bed. This is wierd. The place where I normally sleep was taken downstairs and placed on a little trolley type thing, then was taken outside into something called "fresh air". That was nice actually! I went to sleep quite qucikly! It like a drug! ..... what ever they are.
Tonight, Daddy is playing at "The Bizon". He told me all about something called a "Bizon Blood" ..... sounds lovely, but strong. I told Daddy that I would look like this if I had one!
Well, I must get back to Mummy now as I am feeling hungry again.
Lots of Love to you all!
PS. I dont think Daddy loves me anymore as he h s built a small prison for me .... it has nice toys in it to play with and a lovely new mobile thing that spins around and has flying bugs on it .... hmmm, perhaps its not all that bad.

Prison Break: the beginning?
Surely the faerie folk left a changeling in that picture second from top ??
This is a lovely 'malenkiy gnom'
It is bad, bars are ALWAYS bad! Unless they are made with chocolate. Your dad is mean!!! I will kick him when I come over to free you for a few hours!!!
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