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Monday, May 21, 2007

Chapter Five - I don’t like Belgium

Apparently, I live in Belgium. I heard Daddy the other mentioning the Belgians and their Bl**dy bureaucracy. It seems that to get me a passport and an ID card takes more than just form filling and visiting your local commune. Because Daddy is upset, I am upset therefore I think I will ask Daddy if we can move. I plan to speak to him tomorrow about it.

Also, the weather isn’t exactly what I like. The storms over the past couple of days have been soooo noisy, it has woken me up. And when Benjamin wakes up, I like everyone else to wake up! Seems only fair. Bl**dy Belgian weather Daddy says also.

So, apart from Beer, Moules Frites and a fully lit motorway system, what have the Belgians given me eh?

Visitors this week have included Rachel and Giovanni again ….. they keep bringing me nice things! They are always welcome of course. Daddy says Giovanni still owes him 6 beers ….. (he told me to say that)

I am now getting into the “routine” again. This is quiet nice actually as I get a couple of naps in the day and a long nap at night. Mummy and Daddy seem to like it also as they can sleep much more!

Daddy came in late TWICE this week …. I don’t know where he goes but he does smell funny when he comes back. His voice is different too. Very slurry and he hiccups like me; but a bit louder. His fingers are also very raw after these “nights out”. I think it has something to do with playing music or something.

Oh yeah chocolate. I forgot about that. So, apart from beer, Moules Frites, chocolate and a fully lit motorway system, what have the Belgians given me eh?

I was in a foul mood on Sunday. Just couldn’t rest or do anything I wanted to do. Even pooping was a bit of a strain (more than normal). Daddy sang along to something called “Pink Floyd” .I really quite enjoyed it and I was very rested after a while. Then something horrible happened. A different voice started singing ….. I started crying! Daddy told me not to worry as it was only” Roger Waters” and it would finish soon. And thankfully it did!

Mummy is being wonderful at the minute. She is always there for me whenever I am a bit upset. She is also starting to look a lot better recently. Not so tired (I think that could be my fault) and she is laughing a lot more. This makes me happy!

Well, that’s it for now. Auntie Susie is arriving on Wednesday which is great! I haven’t met her yet but I am sure she is nice …. And I bet she brings me something too! YES!



PS. No one got the Bye joke in the last blog …. What I meant to say was Bai was here … Bai bye? …. Bye bye? ….. never mind! You are probably Belgian!


At 7:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't grow too fast little B as we have only been granted an audience with ye the 10th of June and you sounding and looking all cute and all! We can hardly wait! Lots of love to your mom and dad too, glad to hear they are getting over the shock of having a little smelly noisy sleep-disturber in the house! ;-)

Love Marije & co

At 8:27 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Marije & co, I look forward to seeing you! You sound interesting! Do you have a little smelly noisy sleep-disturber in your house too? .... I think you do! I think you have 3 of them!



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