Last Night

Just a couple of photos from the gig last night. Great place to play, nice audience except for some annoying young girl who request I turned down because she had a headache and couldn't talk to here friend .... GET A LIFE GIRL .... or go to a bar where there is no music. She stayed to the end though so ... good on her!
Isabelle did a small set which went down well and the guest guitarist is Steve 'The Bull' Bullock, who is from a small town called South Shields in England.

Hey Andrew, Great night last night. You did come in half way through the solo on All Along the Watchtower, but I'll forgive you.
You should get yourself a myspace site like mine linked in my name above (shameless plug).
Cherio, Steve
Looks like The Cavern. I've heard of South Shields...
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