
This Blog is no longer in use. Please go to There will be a .com address soon. Thanks for commenting here, hopefully we'll see you at the other place. cheers Andrew

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Chapter Six - I Gotta God Mother!

I am very pleased to tell you all that I definitely have a God Mother. Everyone keeps telling me about her, but I have never met her up until now.
Auntie Susie arrived for a day's visit yesterday and it was brill !

We played Hide and seek ...............

We played "Lets put the bunny ears on Benjamin to make him look silly" ............

We went for a walk in the park, and Auntie Susie did almost all the pushing

Wine was drunk AGAIN!!! ... But I got none of it! AGAIN!

But all in all I has some great quality time with Auntie Susie. She is really nice too! Brought me presents (I knew she would of course) all the way from Italy from her work friends Laura and Andrea which were lovely, she played with me, and gave me a bath (which I inadvertently had a poo in ... sorry Auntie) She also had fun with Mummy and Daddy too!

I am hoping to see her again soon and I think I will be spending Christmas with her in Italy. I will also meet someone called Jar Knee or Gianni as it is written. He also sounds fun! Appartently he speaks in a strange way also so we should get on well. .... Wow! By then it will be my 4th country visited!

Bye Bai .....(you still haven't got it have you)



Monday, May 21, 2007

Chapter Five - I don’t like Belgium

Apparently, I live in Belgium. I heard Daddy the other mentioning the Belgians and their Bl**dy bureaucracy. It seems that to get me a passport and an ID card takes more than just form filling and visiting your local commune. Because Daddy is upset, I am upset therefore I think I will ask Daddy if we can move. I plan to speak to him tomorrow about it.

Also, the weather isn’t exactly what I like. The storms over the past couple of days have been soooo noisy, it has woken me up. And when Benjamin wakes up, I like everyone else to wake up! Seems only fair. Bl**dy Belgian weather Daddy says also.

So, apart from Beer, Moules Frites and a fully lit motorway system, what have the Belgians given me eh?

Visitors this week have included Rachel and Giovanni again ….. they keep bringing me nice things! They are always welcome of course. Daddy says Giovanni still owes him 6 beers ….. (he told me to say that)

I am now getting into the “routine” again. This is quiet nice actually as I get a couple of naps in the day and a long nap at night. Mummy and Daddy seem to like it also as they can sleep much more!

Daddy came in late TWICE this week …. I don’t know where he goes but he does smell funny when he comes back. His voice is different too. Very slurry and he hiccups like me; but a bit louder. His fingers are also very raw after these “nights out”. I think it has something to do with playing music or something.

Oh yeah chocolate. I forgot about that. So, apart from beer, Moules Frites, chocolate and a fully lit motorway system, what have the Belgians given me eh?

I was in a foul mood on Sunday. Just couldn’t rest or do anything I wanted to do. Even pooping was a bit of a strain (more than normal). Daddy sang along to something called “Pink Floyd” .I really quite enjoyed it and I was very rested after a while. Then something horrible happened. A different voice started singing ….. I started crying! Daddy told me not to worry as it was only” Roger Waters” and it would finish soon. And thankfully it did!

Mummy is being wonderful at the minute. She is always there for me whenever I am a bit upset. She is also starting to look a lot better recently. Not so tired (I think that could be my fault) and she is laughing a lot more. This makes me happy!

Well, that’s it for now. Auntie Susie is arriving on Wednesday which is great! I haven’t met her yet but I am sure she is nice …. And I bet she brings me something too! YES!



PS. No one got the Bye joke in the last blog …. What I meant to say was Bai was here … Bai bye? …. Bye bye? ….. never mind! You are probably Belgian!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Chapter Four - Out and about

Hello everyone ... sorry for not updating Daddy's blog recenly, but seeing as I am now 3 weeks old, I have begun that nice phase of wanting to eat and eat and burp and poop and eat and eat and vomit and poop and eat etc etc etc .... Its great! Its like being an alcoholic but knowing you dont have to worry about the addiction!

However, I digress. Lots of vistors this week which was nice .... one guy who came had very wierd hair and look like he had been in the sun too much. apparentlyl he is called "Bye", everyone must know him as a lot of people go and see him when they leave my house. ..... A very nice person called 'Jo' came over this weekend to help Mummy and Daddy to rest. She has a drinks cabinet as well, but it was locked.

Went for a couple of "walks" in my bed. This is wierd. The place where I normally sleep was taken downstairs and placed on a little trolley type thing, then was taken outside into something called "fresh air". That was nice actually! I went to sleep quite qucikly! It like a drug! ..... what ever they are.

Tonight, Daddy is playing at "The Bizon". He told me all about something called a "Bizon Blood" ..... sounds lovely, but strong. I told Daddy that I would look like this if I had one!

Well, I must get back to Mummy now as I am feeling hungry again.

Lots of Love to you all!

PS. I dont think Daddy loves me anymore as he h s built a small prison for me .... it has nice toys in it to play with and a lovely new mobile thing that spins around and has flying bugs on it .... hmmm, perhaps its not all that bad.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Chapter Three - "A First Step Into A Larger World"

Now look! I love them dearly, and I know they will be looking after me for some time, but when I am asleep .... I would like to remain asleep. And when I am wide awake, I dont wanna go to bed! IT's quite simple!

They keep going on about "rhythm and routine" which I am sure is what I will need eventually but I am used to getting my own way when I was inside Mummy!

We all went "outside" the other day ..... my God it was terrible. Firstly, Daddy couldn't find the right elevators out of the car park, lots of "people" kept bumping into my pram, it was hot and sticky, and so I let rip from both ends to vent my anger. Also Daddy wasn't happy about something called "Carlsberg" being served in a Belgium cafe. He does moan about the slightest things.

I have discovered screaming at the top of my voice isn't the best thing for Mummy and Daddy, especially at night. It gets their attention though! Daddy does a lot of the dark time feeding, but he seems to watch TV while he does this ... HELLO!!!! ME PLEASE!!!!! ATTENTION!!!!!

Mummy seems to be getting lots of rest which is good as the %age factor of the drinks improve greatly. Mummy and Daddy's drinks cabinet is getting better too as "visitors" bring me clothes and them drinks. This brings smiles to both of them!

Daddy said he was proud of me today; odd really as I thought that the smell that followed this comment would have changed his mind! Oh well, you can never tell.

On other fronts, Mummy's Stitches have opened a bit so we have to go back the the hospital tomorrow to have them checked. Daddy apparently has to go to a place called "work" next week. I don't know what this is but it seems to involve lunches out and buying chocolate for people. ... sounds interesting!
Daddy was also a bit upset the other day as something called "gigs" had been cancelled at his residency bar in Brugges. Appartently I will have to go without new clothes and have no more presents until the summer. This is not good, so if anyone reading this can offer Daddy some "Gigs" then I would be grateful..... he sings me to sleep which is nice .... honestly!

Well .... take care all of you, and lots of love from Mummy and Daddy of course


PS (I've learned what this means) Mummy wanted this photo on the site. She calls it "My Boys"

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Chapter Two - The Homecoming

Mummy seems better now and so the nice people at the hospital said we could go home. Daddy had already been home to get things ready for me which was nice.

I fell asleep after mummy had opened the drinks cabinet (note to self .... I keep hearing people talk about 'mixer drinks', not too sure about these as the neat stuff seems great!). I awoke to being in a new place! Not so orange as the hospital, but still as warm as cosy. Mummy and Daddy took a couple of hours to decide the best place to put me (note to self .... when I can talk I must tell them that the tour of the appartment could have waited!)

I seem to poo much heavier and more frequently now. I have overheard someone saying 'better out than in' ... I have to agree with this! The funny bit of plastic around my belly button fell off today. That was wierd. I hope nothing else falls off without warning.

Its a bit strange at nights though. I am feeding for about 2 hours, take a short nap, then feed agin for 2 hours. I am contented but Mummy and Daddies eyes have suddenly taken on a new dark like colour and they seem to have a shorter fuse when one of my bigger poo's arrive!

The Music is nice and relaxing. We had something called 'Mahler 4' yesterday and something called 'Massive Attack'. Thats what I often do in my nappy funnily enought! I wonder if there is some music called 'Weeing All Over Daddy' .... I do that too!

Grandma and Grandpa are helping out too. They are making food for Mummy and Daddy so that they can concentrate on me. I like this idea! I think they are leaving on Saturday though. Wonder what will happen then?

Well, I am hoping that Mummy and Daddy aren't too upset that I cant seem to settle down, it's all different here. I have only been here for 2 days but I think it will work out OK.

That wierd Italian Woman was here again, Sissi I think is her name ..... she came with a smaller and quieter version of herself. Does everyone have smaller doubles I wonder? .... Speaking of doubles, I need another drink. Will update you soon ... bye bye, glug glug.

PS (whatever that means) Daddy has asked me again to thank all those people who have sent cards and to thank them for the presents you have brought. I haven't seen them yet but I am sure they are nice. If you have sent money, please let me know. .... I don't trust them!