This Weekend

I had to be in London for work on Thursday and Friday so I decided to take the opportunity to go and visit friends I haven't seen for (we worked out) about 4 years. They now have a lovely young girl called Isobel who is now 18 months old and obviously I have not met her before .... nor she me! It was great to see them again after such a long time especially in their beautiful house. (currently for sale if anyone out there is interested). They also have a dog called Bob, who is mad but fun. These are not his real eyes by the way ..... they make him wear contacts to scare the neighbours.

It is a shame they won't be at the Wedding but I think Iz would be such a handful to take with them, they have made the right decision. They have promised though to come over to Brussels soon ... and I cant wait.
Other than that it was a quiet weekend which involved a lovely drive through Fen country and a visit to the Souths answer to the Norths Metro Centre. It is called "Blue Water" or Blue Warta" as they say daan Souf. Huge but would fit 4 times into Metro Centre. did have a John Lewis though where Lou pretty much spend most of the day! Almost crashed the car while thumping the steering wheel while travelling at 85mph down the M20 listening to the incompetance of England Rugby Team. I was pleased to have missed it by all accounts. I am still too angry to comment effectively about this match.
Morph The Cat HAS NOT YET ARRIVED so I am also very upset about that especially as my "Dan Man" has had his since Saturday. ..... BOO HOO!!!!
I did however manage to get lots of nice Floyd Live downloads from Jeremy while in London. Yeah!!!
One little tip the next time you visit these shores the speed limit is only 70mph
Plus the result of the test match and Newcastle losing must have really made your weekend as much as it made mine
I got my Morph the Cat on Saturday, and have been enjoying it very much ever since. I hope you get yours soon!
I still got your Ritter Chocolate ..... so THERE!!!
I'm confused.
State normal there then !!
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