Still a little Jaded

I have to admit that I am still feeling very tired for the weekends exploits and the events of the week. On 3 occasions I promised myself a relaxing bath followed by a good nights sleep, but each time I was distracted by other things and so now I am really suffering.
A collegue of mine said that after you hit 35, recovery time doubles! It certainly feels like it at the minute
Louise has her final Wedding Dress fitting tomorrow, everything is getting so close now. Still a lot of things to organise but I think we have the bare bones all sorted out. Becasue we are both British Citizens, livingin Belgium and getting married in France, the paperwork is mounting up and up! Belgium is a burocratic country to start with ... we seem to be adding to our woes wanting to do this in France.
Nick Worrall has posted the photos today so by Wednesday we should have some photo to check out. A relaxing weekend ahead followed by 2 days working in London. Only 3 gigs in April which to be honest I am pleased about especially as we will be in France for 6 days for the final Wedding preparations. However, I think a couple of other gigs will come out of the woodwork.
This will give me some time to work on some new songs ..... I hate repeating myself all the time and try and do at least 5 new songs per month. This months suggestions are "Pina Colada Song" an ABBA Cover, a Fleetwood Mac cover Losing My Religion (Izz normally sings this but I reckon I could also add it to the set) "Just the 2 of us" and I was thinking of Gerry Rafferty "If you get I wrong you get it right next time" .... good one for the wedding!
Have a good weekend you all.